Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ahobilam Trip - 2017

Plan for Journey
Explored many options and finally settled with a decision to visit Ahobilam on Monday. Initially planned to take a car ride on the morning of Tuesday to Ahobilam which is approx. 370 Kms from Chennai. My initial plan was to visit the Upper Ahobilam temple deities on 1st day and complete the rest on 2nd day that I start from Ahobilam on 2nd day around 2 PM and reach Chennai by 10 PM. At this point of time I was thinking it would be an easy trip, but later realized it is not that easy to take car drive with an aggressive plan. But had to drop of the car trip due to other constraints I had in making a back to back trips. I don’t drive much in night. Then decided to go by Bus.
Booked a ticket to Allagadda from Chennai for APSRTC Bus and boarding time is 8 PM. Bus is expected to reach Allagadda at 5 and it did reach on time. Route is through Tirupati, Kadapa and Allagadda.

Purchased 10 packets for dry fruits and 1 packet of kalkandu for Prasadam to Swamy. Purchased Agal vilakku and a ghee bottle to lit lamp at every deity.

Wearing trecking shoes or chappals will be more useful while we climb up & down. Hence kindly go well prepared. Also, take a Torch light and you may need it. We took it.

Accomodation  & Trip to Ahobilam from Allagadda

We are unable to get an accommodation in AP Tourism or Ahobila Math. Hence booked a room in Sri Mahalakshmi Residency in Allagadda (25 Kms away from Ahobilam).  Room is very good with water heater. It is 1 KM away from the main bus stand, very decent and I paid 1200/- for a non-ac room. We reached the hotel at 5.15 am and started getting ready for Ahobilam and we were again back to Bus stand at 6 AM to catch a bus to Ahobilam. From Allagadda to Ahobilam it is 25 Kms and duration of the travel varies between 30-45 mins by bus to Lower Ahobilam. I took the 1st bus at 6.15 AM and returned back by the last bus from Ahobilam to Allagadda at 8.15 PM. Upper Ahobilam is 8 KMs. I initially took the ticket only to Lower Ahobilam to seek a help of a Battacharya. But got confused on the language and took the ticket to Upper Ahobilam.

Those who visit nava narasimhas can avoid navagraha dosham, Each Narasimha swamy leads each navagrahas as below in sequence to my visit.
1. Ahobila Narasimha - Guru
2. Jwala Narasimha - Angarakan
3. Malola Narasimha - Sukran
4. Krodha Narasimha - Rahu
5. Karanja Narasimha - Chandran
6. Kshatravata Narasimha - Kethu
7. Yogananda Narasimha - Shani
8. Paavana Narasimha - Budhan
9. Bhargava Narasimha – Surya
At around 7 we reached the upper ahobilam and to my surprise, there is no mobile reach and I couldn’t connect with the person whom I had to meet and take his help for Food, Guide, Jeep etc.
There is only 1 or 2 shops in which one offers Tea there are no other eateries except Sri Brahamana Annadana Satram. Food is free to all devotees here. Wonderful & amazing gesture by the Trust.
We finally decided to go to the temple in Upper Ahobilam and meet the battacharya there itself, assuming he will there to guide us.

Being a sanathani, God is there in every other form & all swamy are one and the same, science hasn’t progressed much to prove certain faiths regarding whether a god exist or not. But all I can quote is Sri Abhinaya Vidhya Theertha swamy’s version of explaining, that we are listening to the Saints who have met god. From here on whatever we are going to experience in Ahobilam is all about Faith. If you have faith, TRUST in god and do your duty. I strongly believe he will guide us.
At 7.15 am there was not of much crowd and hence we were able to visit the deity in less than 10 mins.

Lord appears in a fierce mode and this diety is the main Narasimha swamy in Ahobilam. This is a MUST visit temple for anyone who comes to Ahobilam. It is believe that Lord Narasimha was swayambu (self-manifest here).  
Swamy is in a cave carved in an oval shape. Lord Narasimha Swamy and Bhaktha Prahalad are here and their prathishta moorthi is also in the same place. We offered the Prasad packet and Bhattacharya did archana.

On enquiring the bhattacharya, he said he is not the one I am looking for and my much needed person is in the lower ahobilam. He said, he is not making any arrangements for Pilgrims, but just pointed to a Guide who just offered himself to help us.
Enroute to this shrine, we can also have a view of Ugra Sthambam, a cleft that splits 2 mountains from where the Lord appeared. Few steps of further climbing we reach the shrine of Jwala Narasimha and prahalad. Jwala Narasimha is ashta bujam (8 hands) with Hiranya kashibu in his lap with his head on the left side & prahalada stands beside the Lord. Narasimha is in fierce appearance at this place and this is the actual spot where Lord tore Hiranyakasibu. 

 In order to cool down is anger, a spring that originates from an unknown place, sprinkles non-stop (24/6*365 days) and it is called Akasha Ganga. Few steps further we saw a small pond with clean water. We could also see the Blood stains and it was believed that Narasimha washed the hands after he kills Hiranya kasibu.

After a rocky route of 3-4 Kms from Upper Ahobilam and climbing the steep steps we were severely tired. For me the stick that was provided to me was very helpful, though my wife and son had a different view.   While we climb to this place, the journey will be very delightful for the nature lovers, trekkers and you won’t realize that you are in a mid of a forest. Dramatically, scene changes as you start climbing. Amazing experience.
Someone was offering Panagam at this place, we had it. We didn’t have our breakfast and was very tired. Panagam offering was a blessing at that time, with me fighting Diabetics. Would suggest a very light breakfast will be good for those who have stomach stiffness due to breakfast skip. My son have this problem, but by the grace of god, he didn’t had that trouble in this trip. Our guide was little resistant in the beginning to avoid visit to Ugra stambham as it is a very steep and climbing is very difficult for 3 KMs. Myself and my wife we insisted that we MUST make a visit to Ugra stambham. Our courage is that Narasimha has brought us this far, he will take care of the rest and he did. Om Namo Narayanaya… Finally he agreed. Heard from the guide that he visit Ugra stambham atleast weekly twice and it causes lot of pain in his thighs and that he resisted it in his / devotees benefit.
Ugra Stambham
After we climb the hill there is a very narrow passage with a stone dividing two hills and it was said to be the place where actually Narasimha appeared. Further moving to right side of the hill in a very dangerous narrow passage we climbed to a place where there we can see the foot prints of Lord Narasimha and Prahalada. All I can say is Om Namo Narayanaya.

Guide offered us an easy trekking but distance is little far and we can reach the Prahalada. We accepted it. Since while climbing we experienced that with so steep it is going to be difficult to climb down. We started climbing down, my wife advised to take a stone from this place and to my surprise the stone I picked at my first sight was exactly the resemblance of Ugra stambham. I was more delighted that Narasimha himself has come with me.

 When the guide mentioned it will be easy and flat surface we just underestimated it.
We experienced several tough situations as we climb down. I got my slippers tore off and I was walking very slow while the guide and my family were 10-15 meters away and I was lost a bit in the forest. Immediately when I shouted they stopped and I reached them. After a very slow walk with bare foot, my legs has become very tired and I was literally getting into dehydration.  I mentioned my wife/son let the suffering of walking in this slippery and rough route be with me and denied their offer to wear their chappals. It didn’t last long I was forced to wear her chappals. But I felt it was a god say that I had to experience this and my wife chappals didn’t last long & it got tore too. Now both of us were walking with barefoot on the sharp small stones and mud. I got bit slipped and about to fall my son offered me help and gave his chappals. By the grace of god, finally we were able to reach the flat surface and by this time my son Gautham got his stomach stiffness due to the skip of Breakfast. He was very tired and water bottle is also empty at that time. Though we had few munch bites, it was not enough.
Prahalad Medu
This was the place where Prahalada undergoes his schooling.  A scene from Bhaktha Prahalada movie went through my minds. We climbed the steps and reached the shrine with Prahalada and Yoga Narasimha prathisha. Priest offered us with Prasad and it was refreshing at that time. We started climbing down and enroute we visited few shrines.
We walked further down and saw a flat surface and a cave surrounded with few ponds. Water doesn’t look as fresh water, however the water while take in bottle it was crystal clear and was very sweet. My son had some water and still he was tired.

MALOLA  NARASIMHA SWAMY – (MA – Mahalakshmi LOLA – Beloved) - SUKRAN
Further climbing down we reached the MALOLA NARASIMHA shrine. Lord is in a very graceful form with his beloved wife Mahalakshmi. Lord here is known as MALOLA NARASIMHA SWAMY.

A small cave like place, where Sri Ramanujar sits.

In this shrine, Lord is depicted in the form of BOAR carrying the earth. Lord here is seen along with Lakshmi. Since the Lord is in Angry form here and also it depicts the BOAR form (another avatar of Maha Vishnu) this shrine is called KRODAKARA or VARAHA NARASIMHA SWAMY.

By now at around 1 PM we are done with 4 shrines of Narasimha and Ugra stambham  & Prahalada Medu. We went to Sri Brahamana Annadhana Chatram and had good simple food. It is offered as FREE MEALS to all. We provided a small amount as donation and moved on to the next shrine that is in between Upper & Lower Ahobilam. We actually walked to the next shrine and priest was having food, hence we waited for a while until he finishes.
In this shrine, pungai tree is there. Below where Lord Hanuman was chanting Rama nama. Narasimha appeared before him. But Hanuman said, I would like to see Rama and not you. Narasimha explained it is he himself the Lord Rama and appeared before Lord Hanuman with Bow & arrow, also had Sacred Counch (Sangu) and wore waist of Shiva and said it is all one.

We took an auto to climb down and it cost Rs.150 to reach lower ahobilam. Will all the grace of lord, we are done with 5 Narasimhas.
Shrine is available in the banks of river Pavana. In this shrine Lord Narasimha had his wedding with Chenchu Lakshmi (Born to a tribe). On Saturdays, animal sacrifice is being provided by the locals for the Lord. Shrine has both Lord Narasimha & Chenchu Lakshmi and the shrine is called PAVANA NARASIMHA SWAMY.
We spent around 15 minutes and started to return back to Lower Ahobilam at 4.15 PM.
In my view, visiting this shrine is the toughest of all. I had to walk and see if it is better than Jeep. But 200% sure, JEEP is not a great ideal. It is not the bolts of JEEP are tested and also those bones in your Body. We finally reached lower Ahobilam at 6 PM.

Our next was to visit Paavana Narasimha Swamy. If we go by walk, we had to take route from Upper Ahobilam itself and it will be 6 kms trekking, totally 12 Kms approximate time is 6 hours. With my ugra stambham trip, I preferred to go by jeep from Lower Ahobilam, 40 Kms up and down into deep forest with no proper way. Route is all through mud and uneven roads. There are shared jeep travel is available and also you can pay a rent of Rs.2800/- to have your family only take a trip. Way the route and the driving it was an horrible and tiresome trip with only 3 people in the jeep. I can’t even imagine sharing with other 5 more in a shared jeep in this travel. We reached the place around 4 PM to reach Pavana shrine.

While we are travelling to his shrine, we saw priest returning back to his home. We went near the temple and even though it is closed we lit lamp and moved on to the next shrine which is just less than a KM.
It was dark and no light & couldn’t take any pictures.

In this shrine also, temple is closed and we had to lit the lamp. To our surprise, there is a navagraha pratishta done in this shrine, with each of the Nava Narasimha behind each nava graha. This brought us the consolation that we are able to see the 2 Narasimha whom we can’t see in their shrine.
We then moved on to the next Shrine of Bhargava Narasimha swamy situated in 2kms from Lower Ahobilam. It was dark while we reach this place and the temple priest has left. But we were able to see the diety.

In this shrine, Bharava muni appealed to Narasimha swamy to show how he killed Hiranyakasibu. Lord Narasimha himself displayed him with chatur bhujam (4 Hands) with Hiranyakasibu in the lap with head in the right side with Prahalad watching the event. This Lord in this shrine is called BHARGAVA NARASIMHA SWAMY.
Last 5 minutes to the shrine we had to walk in dark with no lights. Also we have to climb 130 steps. Shrine also doesn’t have any light, hence the torch that we took was very helpful.
We had lot of ghee and few diyas left over we lit as many as DIYAs that are left over there and had our trip fulfilled with blessings from Lord for visiting all the Nava Narasimhas in a single day.
We called the Bhattacharya whom we approached for help in the morning, he advised us to go to Ahobilam Lakshmi Narasimha Temple in the lower ahobilam and go to Brahamana Annadana Chatram for dinner. We went to the temple and had darshan of Narasimha Swamy and Goddess Lakshmi shrine separately.
Guide who helped us was really kind and patient he himself explained what he knows where there is no priest. To our surprise, he borrowed his friend’s jeep and took us all of the Lower Ahobilam shrines including Pavana. We paid him Rs.2000/- for being guide. Since he came to Ugra stambham it is Rs.500/- more than what others usually charge. Also paid him Rs.2800/ for Jeep. His mobile number is 9908947119. Finally I asked him what his name is. He said his name is CHINNA NARASIMHA. I felt it was a blessing from Lord Narasimha that he sent a person, who simply accompanied us throughout the trip and did his best to get all shrines visit in a same day.

We went to Annadana chatram at 7.15 PM and they started preparing Avul Upuma for us. My next bus to return to Allagada is at 7.45 PM and the last one at 8.15 PM. Meanwhile while the food is getting prepared recited Vishnu Sahasranamam and then had dinner. Reached the bus stop just in the main road near Ahobilam temple, purchased few laminated photos and boarded a bus that came exactly at 8.15 PM. Reached the Allagadda at 9.PM.
We were very tired and crashed to Bed with a plan to vacate the hotel at 5.45 am. Earlier my plan was to visit upper ahobilam on day 1 and visit lower ahobilam on day 2. I have earlier booked the ticket to Chennai at 9.15 PM on 27th Dec. But Narasimha took us through an agile experience and I cancelled the ticket as we are done with Nava Narasimhas on Day 1 itself. We started at 5.45 AM walking a km to reach the bus stand to catch the 6.15 bus to Tirupati. Bus came late at 6.35 and we reached Tirupati at 12.30 PM. If it could have been bit earlier would have attempted to visit Trichanur atleast, but I had already booked by 2 PM Garuda bus to return to Chennai by 5 PM. Hence had to skip that. Had a good lunch at Hotel Mayura and boarded the bus to Chennai to reach at 5.30 PM.

OM Namo Narayana

2017 started for me with Narasimha Chenchu Lakshmi Kalyana Utsavam. On 31st I will be visiting Chidambaram Natarajar Temple. My 2018 year is planned to get started with Natarajar.

It was said that Lord Narasimha & Lord Shiva are similar. With both having Pradosha event and 3 eyes. Both are very kind to their devotees.

Thiru ChitrAmbalam

 Few adhoc snaps